About Ati Annang

Ati Annang Foundation brings to you an online community for all chapters and members of Ati Annang Foundation International also known as ATI INTERNATIONAL GROUP (AIG). Subscription is free for all chapters and members of the organization. It is a service of the Public Enlightenment & Journal Committee of the Ati Annang Foundation, an independent not for profit, non-political organization that spreads across various continents of the world with its headquarters in Ikot Ekepene Local Government Area of AkwaIbom State South-South of Nigeria. ATI ANNANG FOUNDATION is a socio-cultural Association of the Annang people with the aim of collectively defining, articulating and implementing the goals and ideals of Annang ethnic destiny within the context of the Nigerian ethno-centered nation state. The organization seeks to preserve the Annang history, language and culture, and empower its youth for greater advancement of its goals and aspirations. This page allows our members and chapters to share pictures and information with others around the world and provides free web pages to chapters. Ati Annang Chapters and members worldwide can post but not obscene pictures of people, events and places. Forum discussions must follow rules of public discourse and healthy communications, any publication that does not meet the criteria will be moderated accordingly. We especially ask Chapters to share news and pictures of their various activities so that others can stay in touch with such events.

Friday 6 March 2015

The journey of a people in search of self-actualization, consciousness and expression is almost always an epoch-making story. The story of Annang people is not different. Our fore-fathers started this journey and on their demise passed the baton to our fathers who then passed it down to us, and the journey keeps on evolving until the present generation of Annang stock which Ati Annang Foundation has become a rallying point.  

In the quest for this self-actualization in Annang Nation, many agents became the media for rallying the people and one of such agents is, Ati Annang Foundation with over twenty two branches all over the world.
It started with a group of twenty one Annang sons and daughters resident in Port Harcourt, Rivers State in the early nineties who gathered themselves and decided to form a medium to galvanize their kindred, to rekindle the quest for self-actualization and like the Biblical mustard seed which Jesus told His disciples; “It is like a mustard seed which is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.” (Mt 13:32). Ati Annang has grown to become that mustard tree providing coverage for many sons and daughters of Annang Nation both in Nigeria and the Diaspora.     
At the beginning, the excitement was palpable, the task, as daunting as it was, had to be approached strategically and tactically. Proper route drawn and a name that defined the mission was coined, “Ati Annang” (heartbeat of Annang). Heartbeat is the sound generated when the blood is circulated around the body. This is very essential for the survival of the human body. Anytime it stops, it is the end of life. That is why Ati Annang is likened to the heartbeat as it is equally important for further development of Annang Nation.
Many people in Nigeria and indeed the international communities have spoken positively about the Foundation, Ati Annang and its rich cultural heritage. It is seen as the springboard for the new generation and has provided a common wealth for its people.
And like it was noted at the first inaugural speech, the birth of Ati Annang Foundation has restored the eroded glory of Annang Nation in the comity of Nations and helped Annang Nation to assume its rightful position in the scheme of things as well as competing favourably with other ethno-nations.
The foundation laid by the founding fathers some twenty something years ago has been rewarding as the Foundation has surpassed the expectations of the people and remains a life wire to the present generation.
The achievements of the Foundation cannot be quantified as over the years, scholarships have been awarded to thousands of students in the tertiary institutions while career counseling have been organized on a  yearly basis to help students at the secondary school level choose a career that is relevant . More commendations have been received from men of good will and one of such came from the Chapter Chairman of Ati Annang Foundation, Canada Chapter, when he congratulated members of his chapter for conceiving, funding and executing the noble idea of back pack programme. According to him, not fewer than 160 pupils went home very delighted and encouraged over the weekend as Canada Chapter in conjunction with Ati Annang International presented customized educational materials worth thousands of dollars to best performing academic pupils.
The exercise according to the International President, Elder Imoh Emeh was aimed at supporting the free and compulsory education policy of Chief Godawill Akpabio’s led administration in Akwa Ibom State. Besides, it was a way of giving back to different alma-maters, encouraging pupils to study harder to become useful citizens as well as inspiring thousands of others. Making them to know that excellence can be rewarded.
In the same vein, the representative of Canada Chapter, Dr. Etuk noted that the project was conceived, planned and executed to promote academic excellence in public schools.
The teachers on the other hand were full of appreciation to members of Ati Annang Foundation for their magnanimity while the benefitting pupils thanked the donor for identifying with them through their kind gifts.           
This gesture is in line with the cardinal objectives and dreams of the founding fathers of Ati Annang Foundation. There is however a need for concerted efforts to be put in place by the Foundation to sustain the development and we must all support the cause.

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